What is the meaning of Bayasgalant?

Bayasgalant is the Mongolian word for ”happy”. In the widest sense of the word, Bayasgalant Kinderhilfe Mongolei wants to make the kids who live in the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar happy. More specifically it means a lot of support for the children and families.

Bayasgalant wants to improve the future of the children, giving them a perspective and also to support their families to help them to find a way out of the poverty spiral. The main focus is on help to self-help.


To reach this aim, Bayasgalant runs a day care centre for the poorest children in one of the poorest areas in the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar. In the day care centre they are educated, fed and it’s a place for them to play and relax.


Eleven years of experience

The charity Bayasgalant, Kinderhilfe Mongolei was incorporated in 2009 to succeed the charity Asral-And who ran an orphanage in Ulaanbaatar. Therefore the board has eight years of experience in charity work in Mongolia. In Ulaanbaatar a team of nine people are taking care of the children and their families.

The charity is politically and religiously neutral and is only financed by donations and membership fees.


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